Mature Professional Woman At Desk Computer using postive pay system

Businesses fight back against fraud with positive pay system

In an evolving digital landscape, businesses can proactively defend against ACH and check fraud with a Positive Pay system from Bank Midwest. It detects fraudulent transactions before money leaves your account. Whether you run a large corporation or operate solo, dealing with fraud can disrupt your business.

Blog What Is Ransomware

What is ransomware and how to stop it

Recklessness online may cause you to inadvertently install malicious computer software known as ransomware. Here’s how to prevent ransomware for businesses and personal devices.

Blog Feature Image Man using laptop

6 types of fraud in business

Fraud is serious business. The best way to protect your business from fraud and corruption is to understand the risks and put preventative measures in place.

Fraud Hand And Glove Keyboard

A whale of a fraud

Bank Midwest has been the target of a type of fraud attempt called whaling that is growing in popularity. Instead of going after small fish (individuals), attackers are beginning to target bigger ones like organizations. All companies, even small ones, must remain alert for this growing type of attack since there currently isn’t any type…
Continue A whale of a fraud

Avoid Phone And Internet Scams

Common phone and internet scams and ways to stop them

Older adults are increasingly the targets of scammers who use deception and fear tactics to convince the elderly to send money or provide personal account information. Make sure your loved ones are aware of these common type of scams.
