You’ve given all you’ve got to build your career, and now your company is flourishing.
But a bigger company needs even more attention, and you’ve got family obligations, a new home to build, and you’d really love a vacation that’s more exciting than just a long weekend.
Sound familiar? The reward of acting responsibly usually results in getting more responsibility. It’s not easy, but if you can continue to exercise the same discipline that got you where you are, you can get where you want to be.
The key to keeping all these career, family and personal goals in the air is you. In your 20s when the task list grew, you just worked harder. In your 40s and 50s, that tactic takes a physical toll. A lot of disease is triggered by an exhausted immune system.
Use the following tips to stay healthy and stay on top of your game.
1. Plan your day with some air in the tires so when something unexpected comes up you can deal with it.
If the day is uneventful, you can spend a little “think” time, which invigorates your brain and lowers your blood pressure.

2. Eat healthy 5 days out of 7.
After eating healthy most of the week, take time to splurge a little bit. Try not to think of your meals as punishments or rewards but keep a positive attitude toward food and embrace your healthy meals right alongside any special indulgences.

3. Set happiness goals, including real vacations, to remind and reward yourself for working so hard.
Happiness impacts our lives in multiple ways from increased satisfaction with life to better health and stronger immunity. While some people tend to be naturally happier than others, we all have things we can do to strive to pursue that can help us live a happier and more fulfilling life.
While working hard for your business or personal goals, it’s important to remember that once you’ve achieved your goal, take time to reward yourself.

4. Make outside talent and outside tools work for you.
You’re good at making money. Take the pressure off yourself and find partners to help in managing your business. Talk to your local bank which has experienced bankers and lenders who can help you manage cash flow, streamline payments and suggest options for investing in your company to help you reach your business or personal financial goals.
Using the expertise of others can save you time and money. Put partners at Bank Midwest on your team.
This is the time in your life when (to continue the football metaphor) blocking and tackling every day will get you to your goal. But you have to stay in shape – that’s the self-care – and you’ve got to have the right protection – that’s your financial team.
Make this your game plan and see what it does for you.